
Your Pain Does Not Have to Be a Life Sentence

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t seem to “get over” something? Maybe it’s a traumatic event from your past that you still battle or that lives on repeat inside your mind.

When Betrayal Hits, Here’s Hope for Supernatural Healing

We are hardwired for connection, and after we are betrayed by someone close to us, we tend to look inward. Why didn’t I see this coming? Was there something I missed?

Don’t Give Up on Your Marriage. You Can Overcome Betrayal

After reading this, I don’t think anyone grows up and says, “I want that in my bio.” Betrayal is a hard thing that many of us face and I’m confident that if you are someone

Kingdom Marriages: When Healing Hurts

For me, I suffered through four infidelities in our marriage over a span of 12 years. With each new affair came a wave of old emotions from the previous affair that were now exacerbated.

Resolving Unresolved Issues Within Your Marriage and Your Life

No matter what you do and no matter how much you seem to pray, that thing that you have been struggling with seems to be ironclad at resisting any attempt of leaving.